Monday, March 22, 2010


In the midst of pain suffering hardship and conflict can u have peace? Yes, you can!

§ Do u have peace with God, yourself, and others?
Most people want to get away. If getting away would make it possible to have peace then everyone will be having a vacation all the time.
U may go somewhere and change the environment physically, but u r taking your mind heart, emotions and all the rest along with you.

The world’s idea of peace:
· Peace is based on their resources
· If my outward circumstances are fine, I will be fine.
· Their ability, talent and skill.
· The absence of troubles in their lives.
No matter what u face, u can have peace. There is this awesome indescribable and overwhelming quietness, restfulness, tranquility and peace in the midst of all the tribulation and trials we face.
U can’t control your circumstances. But u can control the way u act. U can have peace when everything around us is in turmoil and fear.
No matter what u face in life, u can have peace and it works.
Scripture reference: Isaiah 6:9; John 14:27 & 16:33;
How many adults have genuine peace with themselves, others, surroundings and God?
It will not be automatic. U have the peace that surpasses all human understanding.
The peace of God is as a result of your relationship with Jesus Christ. A real, deep abiding peace.
When he comes in ur life, he gives u this peace and it depends on how u operate
§ You will never have peace until you are fully persuaded that God is in control of everything.
§ You must be willing to surrender and trust Him with your life to God. And have absolute confidence that my God is going to see me through it.
§ If u r smart u will write this down. One day u will thank me for it. You must accept his view of your circumstances and rest in his love and power to see you through it.
God knows a little pain is important here, a little rejection is important over here and so forth.
If u could get his view point, u would not feel the weight. Rom 8:28, which means God will make it good for your own sake.
Most of the time we are limited by our vision. We think what we know it all. We don’t know what God is up to.
U can trust Him, that, from His view He is going to turn it for your good. You may not able to see His view, but you can do this. Trust Him. What ever is going on is for your good, then u can have peace.
When u face the most painful difficult situation in ur life, say: God u are in control of my life, u have taken care of me through a lot of things in life, and m sure u vl see me through it.
He can’t fail u. It’s a matter of trusting Him.
Your inner emotional devastation may be painful, but if u can trust him, there is this peace that surfaces that is unexplainable.
Reasons the peace of God is lost:
§ Tomorrow’s situations are projected on today causing worry and doubt. The truth is u may not be there till tomorrow. So u live this moment.
Psalm 119: 165 (very important)
If u love his law, u obey it. Then u don’t stumble.
This is the key. It requires that u focus on Him and not your circumstances. Your faith in Him not yourself. Believe that His view point is perfect. He loves u unconditionally. Ur focus is upon Him and His Word. He is in control. He loves u perfectly and unconditionally forever.
For example, ur husband walks away, God knew about it. If u say, “here is what happened to my son”, God knew about that. “Here I had big financial loss all my security is gone”. Well, God knew about that.
Is there a situation that is bigger than God? Doesn’t he have the power? Can He take the pain and use it as a tool to make us like him?
He has pre-determined that he is going to use u. So expect pain, trials, tribulation, pain, rejection, heartache.

You are the child of the Living God.
So God is fixing somethings, making us more like his Son.
No matter what, there is underlying tranquility, rest, calmness and assurances that He is going to take you through it.
God didn’t create us to live under pain, restlessness, nervousness, depression, despair, conflict, fear, uncertainty.
Every single one of us need this message because we will got through some pain, suffering, tribulation trials, rejection and hurt.
Putting his promises to the test.
One issue u have to deal with, is, surrendering your life to Him.
To maintain peace:
Surrender to God because you believe that his ways are best.
Then u r really Free, the battle is over, no war with God because u have the peace of God. You will fine the glow on ur face. U will be totally free.
§ You must distinguish between peace with God and the peace of God.
Romans 5:1
§ Peace is not something God sends down from heaven to dwell among us. It is Jesus within us who gives us peace.
§ You will seek peace if u seek it the way God commanded you to seek.
§ All genuine peace is to be found in the Lord Jesus Christ. (Inspired by a message delivered by Dr Charles F Stanley, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA, USA. )


God’s Grace releases within us supernatural strength to keep going in the midst of pain and suffering.

Grace ignites within us determination to keep going no matter what.

Grace echoes in our spirit that God is with us to be our friend and supporter.

Grace keeps pointing us to God’s goal of teaching us.

Grace reminds us that our Heavenly Father enables us to become stronger in faith and deeper in intimacy.

Grace assures us that God is in control and sets limits so that we can bear,
Grace awakens our faith with conviction that God will turn our tough times for something good.

The grace of God Sustains, strengthens, enables, provides us with adequacy in every situation and circumstances that we will ever face in our lives.

“The soul that on Jesus
Hath leaned for repose I will not, I will not, desert to his foes.
That soul though all hell should endeavor to shake, I’ll never, no never, no never forsake.”

( Inspired by a message delivered by Dr Charles F Stanley, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA, USA)